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紅氣球 Le Balloon Rouge 红气球

Abel AU

紅氣球 Red Balloon
Mastering Technical Fabrics 精專技術織物 I A&A Consultant 香港A&A諮詢

(English version at rear part / 简体参阅后半部)

極限項目挑戰者布大衛(David Blaine)最近完成了他最新的創舉—--將自己懸掛在一束彩色氣球下,隨風飄浮到沙漠上方近7,620米處,然後彈離並打開降落傘,安全返回地面,完美演繹一齣令人驚嘆的特技項目《升天》

大衛對媒體表示,此次活動的靈感來他兒時所觀看過的墨理思(Albert Lamorisse)自編自導自製的1956年法國幻想喜劇《紅氣球》(然而對年輕一代,更為熟悉的場景會是迪士尼/彼思動畫製作室的《沖天救兵》 )

大衛維採用的繽紛奪目氣球簇(包括紅色是不言而喻!),並不是大家於派對常用的”輕”氣球,而是探空級別氣球,由具有高度彈性的乳膠或合成橡膠(氯丁橡膠)製成並充滿氦氣的氣象氣球,42個為8英尺,9個較小每個約為4 - 6英尺,另加1個玻璃纖維織物特製的“氣球”內藏了降落傘,氧氣罐,飛行應答器和各式通訊器材等以符合作為美國聯邦航空總署批准的航班N947DB飛行器之適航要求...

Illusionist and extreme artist David Blaine has successfully completed his latest daredevil stunt, Ascension, ascending to altitude nearly 7,620 metres above the desert while hanging from a bunch of color balloons. Then Blaine ejected himself and parachuted to ground safely.

David told to the media that this stunt was inspired after seeing the 1956 French fantasy comedy “Le Balloon Rouge” written, produced, and directed by Albert Lamorisse (although most modern audiences will probably be more familiar with a similar occurrence from Pixar‘s “Up”) as a child.

David adopted a cluster of colourful balloons, (for sure including Rouge-red), which were not those balloons for carnival parties, most of them were helium-filled weather balloon made of a highly flexible latex or synthetic rubber (neoprene), 42 eight-foot alongside 9 smaller balloons measuring roughly 4-6 feet each plus 1 faux fiberglass balloon hid a parachute and oxygen tank, transponder and communication devices. So as to eligible for FAA certified aircraft of flight N947DB…


大卫对媒体表示,此次活动的灵感来他儿时所观看过的阿尔伯特·拉莫里斯在1956年自編自导自制的法国幻想喜剧《红气球》(然而对年轻一代,更为熟悉的场景会是美国迪士尼/皮克斯动画工作室的电影《飞屋环游记》 )

大卫採用的缤纷夺目气球簇(不言而喻地包括红色!),这些气球并不是大家在节假日所用的“轻”气球,而是探空级别气球,以具有高度弹性的乳胶或合成橡胶(氯丁橡胶)制成并充满氦气的气象气球,42个为8英尺,9个较小每个约为4 - 6英尺另加1个玻璃纤维织物特制的“气球”内部配置有降落伞,氧气罐,飞行应答器和各式通讯器材等以符合作为美国联邦航空管理局批准的航班N947DB航空器之适飞要求...


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