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生態織物 Eco-Fabrics 生态面料

Mastering Technical Fabrics I A&& Consultant
Mastering Technical Fabrics 精專技術織物 I A&A Consultant 香港A&A諮詢

(English version at rear part /简体版殿后)


“即食”時裝以極速生產以滿足緊貼潮流的需求,製造商最終依賴廉價且生產速度快的合成材料。 然而,這些合纖面料可能需要數十年或更長時間才能降解,有統計顯示紡織品佔垃圾堆填城市固體廢物的 7.7%。 大家是時候放慢腳步——並且仔細看看我們的服裝標籤。

生態布料的考量:其踐行的主題詞是可持續發展!是有機天然纖維材料,或利用回收再生的材料;是考慮織物生產加工序減少廢物、節約用水、減少碳排放,有利土壤再生,甚至採用公平貿易,.....或只想穿可生物降解的面料,使用壽命更長的服飾;目前為止沒有一種“夢想織物”可以解決所有問題,因此生態布料是個嶄新的課題,應多維度思考並充滿不斷變化的目標。 但願,通過負責任的生產和環保種植實踐,我們可以創造一個更加透明的時尚產業。


Chic & Care

With fast fashion producing at a highly accelerated rate to meet demand, manufacturers end up relying on virgin synthetic materials that are cheap and quick to produce. However, these fabrics (polyester, nylon, or acrylic) take decades or more to biodegrade, and textiles make up 7.7 percent of municipal solid waste in landfills. It is time to slow down—it’s also time to take a closer look at our clothing labels, too.

Eco fabrics: its follow-up keyword is sustainableIt are often made from natural or recycled materials, aiming to reduce harm through the production process, fiber properties, or overall environmental impact. These fabrics can also contribute to the reduction of waste, water conservation, lowered carbon emissions, and soil regeneration, furthermore wether with fair trading? Or someone prefer to wear fabrics that biodegrade, longer-lasting clothes. So far there is no "dream fabric" that can solve all problems, so Eco-fabrics are a new topic with moving target . But the hope is that, through responsible production and environmental growing practices, we can create a more transparent fashion industry.

Make the most educated and sustainable choice for your lifestyle and wardrobe!


快时装以极快的速度生产以满足追赶潮流的需求,制造商最终依赖廉价且生产速度快的合成材料。 然而,这些合纤面料可能需要数十年或更长时间才能降解,有统计显示纺织品佔垃圾填埋场城市固体废物的 7.7%。 大家是时候放慢脚步——并且仔细看看我们的服装标签。

生态面料的考量:其践行的主题词是可持续发展!是有机天然纤维材料,或利用回收再生的材料;是考虑织物生产加工序减少废物、节约用水、减少碳排放,有利土壤再生,甚至採用公平贸易,.....或只想穿可生物降解的面料,使用寿命更长的服饰;目前为止没有一种“梦想面料”可以解决所有问题,因此生态面料是个崭新的课题,应多维度思考并充满日新月异的目标。 但愿,通过负责任的生产和环保种植实践,我们可以创造一个更加透明的时尚产业。



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