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金屬織網新加坡應用 Metal Woven Mesh Singapore Application

(English version at rear part 简体版殿后)

南洋理工大學的主校區常排在世界最美校園前15 名內。而 HiVE(南學習中心),一個空間利用項目,乃2010年代最炙手可熱的英國建築師賀騰邁(Thomas Heatherwick)大作。學習中心由12座8層相互連接的塔樓組成,每座塔樓不對稱地懸臂遠離中央中庭,使得內部柱子作多達 30° 的傾斜度作補償。沒有常規走廊的構築中聚集了56間輔導室。重新詮釋自然採光和開放式人行道。




南洋理工大學標誌性建築 HiVE 突破了現代建築的界限,展示了他們對環境的承諾。 於2013年獲得了新加坡建設局 (BCA) 頒發的綠色建築標誌白金獎,此乃新加坡高性能綠色建築設計、建造和運營的國家基準。




The NTU’s main campus is frequently listed among the Top 15 most beautiful university campuses in the world. And the HiVE (Learning Hub South), a spacious project was designed by the hottest architect of the 2010s Thomas Heatherwick. The learning hub is composed of 12 interconnected towers of of 8 plants with each tower asymmetrically cantilevering away from the central atrium such that the interior columns get as much as 30 ° of inclination to compensate. And gathers 56 tutoring rooms in a structure without conventional corridors. With a new focus on natural lighting and open walkways.

Hence HiVE colloquially known as the "dim sum basket building"

While the odd shape succeeds in attracting attention, where the building excels is in its use of space to encourage social engagement. The NTU’s commission included, according to the design firm, “the brief to create a new kind of learning environment for the digital age,”

Architectural woven metal mesh with weft of rod and weft of cable applied in HiVE, with very distinctive eco-friendly feature contribute the ventilation, well as the natural light. Phosphor Bronze treatment of mesh can resist weather erosion and means substantial to building.

Pushing the boundaries of modern architecture, NTU’s iconic building The Hive displays their commitment towards the environment. In 2013, this appealing learning hub received the Green Mark Platinum Award from the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore’s national benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings.

The Hive offers a refreshing change of scenery. There’s no school quite like it in the world, but hopefully if successful enough it can be replicated again.

What touch me is something that we alway take it as granted that, NTU campus and HiVE is open to public…..

南洋理工大学的主校区常排在世界最美校园前15 名内。而 HiVE(南学习中心),一个空间利用项目,乃2010年代最炙手可热的英国建筑师英国建筑师 托马斯·赫斯维克 作品。学习中心由12座8层相互连接的塔楼组成,每座塔楼不对称地悬臂远离中央中庭,使得内部柱子作多达 30° 的倾斜度作补偿。没有常规走廊的构筑中聚集了56间辅导室。重新诠释自然采光和开放式人行道。




南洋理工大学标志性建筑学习中心 突破了现代建筑的界限,展示了他们对环境的承诺。 于2013年获得了新加坡建设局 (BCA) 颁发的绿色建筑标志白金奖,此乃新加坡高性能绿色建筑设计、建造和运营的国家基准。




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