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金屬絲網在奧運 Metal Mesh for Olympia !

Abel AU

(For English version, please refer to the latter part/简体参阅后半部)


閣下是否有留意到金屬絲網運用在夏季奧運?劍擊 (重劍,花劍和佩劍) 運動員均需配戴面罩作練習和出賽。國際劍聯F.I.E所認證的CEN level 2劍擊面罩其金屬絲必須可承受所規定的25公斤的抗擊力測試/面罩網抗穿透力不小於1000牛頓 (EN13567歐洲標準) 所需配戴的護頸和其他防護衣服均採用了高科技技術織物。


業界常採用規格至少達AISI特殊304不鏽鋼“牢不可破” INDESTRUCTIBLE絲織成開口少於2毫米的絲網。

​為美感考慮比賽隊伍可將其 (預先獲得國際劍聯批准的)圖案繪製在劍擊面罩上。

Rio 2016 Olympia Cauldron extinguished with so many sensational moments to be remembered.

If you aware that metal mesh also applied in summer game?

​To order to well protect those athletes, metal wire used in fencing sport (Weapons: Épée, Foil & Saber) and the certified mask CEN level 2 (EN13567), where the metal wire must withstand the 25 kg punch test, and for mesh rated to protect against at least 1000 Newton of penetration force.

as stipulated by governing body Fédération Internationale d'Escrime (FIE) .The bib and other parts of protecting clothing are made of special technical fabrics. (Transperant mask was banned following a 2009 incident in which a visor was pierced)

The industry will adopt at less the grade of Special AISI 304 stainless-steel INDESTRUCTIBLE wire to weave with mesh opening less than 2mm.

​For aesthetic feeling the fencing team can print their drawing on the mask (subject to FIE’s prior approval)



​击剑 (重剑,花剑和佩剑) 运动员均需配戴面罩作练习和出赛。国际剑联F.I.E所认证的CEN level 2剑击面罩其金属丝必须可承受所规定的25公斤的抗击力测试/面罩网抗穿透力不小於1000牛顿 (EN13567欧洲标准) 所需配戴的护颈和其他防护衣服均采用了高科技技术织物。(鉴於2009年视窗被刺穿的事件透明面罩现已被国际剑联禁止使用)

业界常采用规格至少达AISI特殊304不锈钢“牢不可破” INDESTRUCTIBLE丝织成开口少於2毫米的丝网。

​为美感考虑比赛队伍可将其 (预先获得国际剑联批准的)图案绘制在击剑面罩上。


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