Abel AU

Jun 26, 2015

金剛網 Security screen mesh

Updated: Feb 4, 2020

(For English version, please refer to the latter part/简体参阅后半部)

- 金剛網(不鏽鋼防盜紗窗),倍受市場青睞,線徑為0.8x0.8 毫米11目,使用具特殊要求的(316)航海級高強度不銹鋼,構織出來的產品:將透視明媚景觀,必須完美無瑕,非常平坦,成效極均勻的網孔,出售給澳大利亞市場應符合AS5039標準的安全、防剪撬和防刀割試驗,因此對採用的紗線更為苛刻並需掌握其獨特的織網核心技術。機織出合格的金鋼網是一項極具挑戰性的工作,我們為此項任務所提供的特效織機可達24,000十牛頓/米的打緯張力,另加特意佳專利的超大半徑不銹鋼緯絲退繞裝置,極有效消除連續緯絲供應的內應力扭轉現象,攻克了此種網引緯的筆直而無損這業界難題。

Security screen mesh is enjoying the upscaling market for household preventing break-in, with at least of diameter0.8x0.8 mm mesh no.11 usually made from Marine Grade High Tensile stainless steel (316) with unique specifications. Products come out from weaving must be: flawless, very flat, very even of mesh opening. For Australian market, in order to be compliant with AS5039 security, grill shearing, knife shearing test, where wire specifications applied should be even tougher and need unparalleled weaving know-how. So it is a challenging job. Our special loom for this mission with 24,000 daN.M at beat up tension and further assured by the Trinca paterned Prespooler which effectively eliminate the torsion of weft and tackle the technical issue of the perfectly straight weft wire insertion.

- 金刚网(不绣钢防盗纱窗),倍受市场青睐,线径为0.8x0.8 毫米11目,使用具特殊要求的(316)航海级高强度不锈钢,构织出来的产品:将透视明媚景观,必须完美无瑕,非常平坦,成效极均匀的网孔,出售给澳大利亚市场应符合AS5039标准的安全、防剪撬和防刀割试验,因此对採用的纱线更为苛刻并需掌握其独特的织网核心技术。机织出合格的金钢网是一项极具挑战性的工作,我们为此项任务所提供的特效织机可达24,000十牛顿/米的打纬张力,另加特意佳专利的超大半径不锈钢纬丝退绕装置,极有效消除连续纬丝供应的内应力扭转现象,攻克了此种网引纬的笔直而无损这业界难题。

#金屬絲網 #MetalMesh
