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德國環球市場領導者 German world market leaders

Abel AU

(For English version, please refer to the latter part/简体参阅后半部) 德國標準發行有限公司,科隆: 1,620德國環球市場領導者僱用了大約820萬名員工(其中約540萬名在德國員工),2013年的全球年產值為21億歐羅,其中14億歐羅 ( 66%)為海外銷售(由德國出口和由其海外分支機構銷售)。大部分 (83%)公司的特點是中小企業規模(十億歐羅年銷售額),並為家庭所擁有(約70%)。大多數企業(71%),其總部設在大城市之外的鄉郊地區。 German Standards EDITIONEN GmbH, Cologne: The 1,620 German world market leaders employ about 8.2 million people (including approximately 5.4 million in Germany) and set in 2013 world claims to approximately € 2,100 billion per year, of which € 1.400 billion (66%) abroad (exports from Germany and sales of local branches). Many of these companies (83%) is also characterized by medium (up to € 1 billion annual sales) and is owned by the family (70%). The majority of companies (71%) has its headquarters outside the big cities in rural areas. 德国标准发行有限公司,科隆∶ 1620德国环球市场领导者雇用了大约820万名员工(其中约540万名在德国员工),2013年的全球年产值为21亿欧元,其中14亿欧元( 66%)为海外销售(由德国出口和由其海外分支机构销售)。大部分 (83%)公司的特点是中小企业规模(十亿欧元年销售额),并为家庭所拥有(约70%)。大多数企业(71%),其总部设在大城市之外的乡郊地区。


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