(English version at rear part /简体版殿后)
2023年11月3日,皇家紡織學會在聯合王國倫敦上議院舉辦了2023年度國會午餐會,由夏思可(Haskel) 勳爵CompTI CText ATI 慷慨主禮。
Cholmondeley 廳迎來了世界各地的嘉賓,在酒會後享用了三道菜午餐。該活動業已成為皇家紡織學會年度行事曆上的社交亮點。
夏思可勳爵 對尊貴的來賓表示歡迎,並感謝皇家紡織學會團隊成功組織此午餐會,還對紡織學會過去一年來的卓有成效工作表示祝賀。
午餐結束後,夏思可勳爵 向來賓介紹了演講嘉賓 「迅循」(Accelerating Circulatory)創始人 馬卡拉(Karla Magruder)。卡拉 發表了精彩的演講,她講述了如何努力創建一個具真正意義的項目,在召集了一些紡織業界的同仁,創立了這間非牟利組織 。
「迅循」聚焦透過各持份者通力協作的解決方案來實現具商業運營規模效益的紡織成品到紡織物回收再生系統。她的使命是規範新的循環再生系統和商業運營模式,將使用過的材料轉化為新的原材料,從而實現一個不再有材料廢棄的世界。卡拉 欲傳達的訊息是,整個業界至今幾乎沒有採取任何實質行動,今天業界需要做的不僅僅停留在空談,是時候出台新政策,並開展合作,如果要使業界產生積極的變化,就需要將新技術商業化,造就可持續發展的行業。卡拉 堅信,如果不為更永續的未來建立起嶄新而有效的商業模式,一切都將是徒然。
當天最後一位演講嘉賓是皇家紡織學會理事會主席,Salford大學教授 鮑潔絲CText FTI,她受到掌聲歡迎並向尊貴的嘉賓致辭:今(2023)年7月,Huddersfield大學成功主辦了第92屆皇家紡織學會世界大會:紡織和時裝供應的永續性鏈----邁向零碳和零廢棄物過渡。來自約20個國家的200多名參與者與我們一起關注並分享最佳踐行。大會主席 葛帕理教授CText ATI,
今天也有在場,想對閣下如此出色的2023年度世界大會東道主表示感謝。這是一個志同道合的人們的精彩聚會,我們很榮幸皇家 安妮公主殿下(譯者按:以聯合王國時裝和紡織協會會長名義)蒞臨第92屆世界大會,殿下對我們行業面臨的挑戰和機遇展現出非凡的知識。減少紡織品浪費、提高可回收性和最大限度地延長產品使用壽命的關鍵需要我們行業內外的最優秀人才齊心協力,為這些棘手/複雜的問題構建出可靠的解決方案。今天我們已經開始並將繼續進行這些對話。我們是紡織和時尚大家庭,這裏薈萃了大量來自學術界、商業和慈善界的個人和企業會員,成員們擁有豐富的知識、卓越的技能和品質,能夠在這裡分享大家的經驗,感到非常榮幸。通過廣泛的討論,希望這將成為新的交流機會的開始,從而產生富影響力的成果。永續發展、面向下一代的未來發展、發展技術/設計技能以及擴大我們的全球影響力和融入國際大家庭是我們皇家紡織學會理事會在未來18個月內進一步探索的一些領域,本人知道我們的各部門正在積極策劃於新冠疫情之後加強他們的活動,以確保我們為遠近所有成員提供支援,在諸位的持續支持下,我們將取得更大的成就。
本人想對夏思可勳爵 再次主禮這次精彩的活動表示衷心的謝意 ,特別多謝Taylor and Francis的慷慨贊助,再次感謝卡拉 鼓舞人心且發人深省的演講,謝謝所有在幕後幫助組織這一天活動的皇家紡織學會工作人員,並特別感激大家一年來的持續支持,並與我們一起在這個特殊的地方慶祝和建立聯繫。
• 一些特定的專業培訓,
• 就閣下所遇到問題的答案;
• 在這個令人著迷的行業中做宣傳或獲得一席之地;
• 提升閣下的資歷,使您比競爭對手擁有專業優勢;
• 了解產業或研究領域的最新動態
• 要推薦某人因當時所做的出色工作而獲嘉許,請聯繫皇家特許紡織學會總部,我們將很高興 收到閣下的來函。
On 3 November 2023, the TI held the Parliamentary Lunch, generously hosted by The
Lord Haskel CompTI CText ATI at the House of Lords, London, UK.
The Cholmondeley Room hosted guests from around the world for a three course lunch following a drinks reception. The event has become one of the networking highlights of the TI calendar.
The Lord Haskel welcomed the distinguished guests and thanked the team at the TI for
organising the lunch, he congratulated The Textile Institute on all of its hard work throughout the year.
Following the lunch, The Lord Haskel introduced VIP guest speaker Karla Magruder,
Founder of Accelerating Circulatory. Karla gave a scintillating speech on how she strived to
create a project which had real meaning and after gathering some of her friends in the textile
industry, she founded the nonprofit organisation ‘Accelerating Circularity’ which focuses on textile to textile recycling systems at a commercial scale through a collaborative stakeholder approach.Their mission is to regulate new circular systems and business models, to take used materials and turn them into new raw materials so that we can have a world where materials are no longer wasted.
Karla’s message was that there has been very little action, the industry needs to do
more than just talk, new policies need to be introduced, collaboration needs to happen and
new technologies need to be commercialised if there is ever going to be a positive change in the industry where sustainability is concerned. Karla believes that nothing will be resolved until new business models have been established for a more sustainable future.
The final speaker of the day Textile Institute Chairman of Council Prof
Jess Power CText FTI, University of Salford was welcomed and addressed the distinguished
guests: “In July this year(2023), The University of Huddersfield hosted the 92nd World Conference: Sustainability of the Textile and Fashion Supply Chain – Transitioning to Zero Carbon and Zero Waste. We were joined by over 200 participants from around 20 countries to focus and share best practice. The Conference Chairman Prof Parik Goswarmi CText FTI is here with us today and I would like to say thank you for being
such wonderful hosts. It was a wonderful gathering of likeminded people and we were graced by a visit from HRH The Princess Royal (President of UKFT), who demonstrated exceptional knowledge in relation to the challenges and opportunities facing our sector.
The key to reducing textile waste, increasing recyclability, and maximising the lifespan of our
products needs the very best from across our sector and beyond to come together to design
credible solutions to these wicked/complex problems.
Today we have begun to have and will continue to have those conversations. We are the textile and fashion family, amongst us we have an abundance of Individual and Corporate Members from academia, commerce and the charity sectors, with a wealth of knowledge, skills and attributes and it is truly an honour to be here to share in the rich discussions that have taken place and I hope this will be the start of new networking opportunities leading to impactful outcomes. Sustainability, futureproofing for the next generation, developing technical/design skills and increasing our global reach and international family are some of the areas we are going to be exploring further in the next 18 months at TI Council and I
know our sections across the globe are ramping up their activities after the global pandemic to ensure we are supporting members near and far and with your continued support we will achieve great things.
I want to say a tremendous thank you to The Lord Haskel for once again hosting this marvellouswill be the start of new networking opportunities leading to impactful outcomes.
Sustainability, futureproofing for the next generation, developing technical/design skills and
increasing our global reach and international family are some of the areas we are going to be exploring further in the next 18 months at TI Council and I
know our sections across the globe are ramping up their activities after the global pandemic to ensure we are supporting members near and far and with your continued support we will achieve great things.
I want to say a tremendous thank you to The Lord Haskel for once again hosting this marvellous event, a special thank you to Taylor and Francis for their generous sponsorship, another thank you to Karla for her inspiring and thought provoking speech, a thank you to all the TI staff who have worked behind the scenes to help organise the day, and an extra special thank you to you all for your continuous support throughout the year and for
joining us to celebrate and network in this special place. As always the event was a great opportunity to network and meet fellow professionals within the textile industry.
I am going to paraphrase the words from a previous Chair. The (Royal Chartered) TI is the go-to place for anyone working along the textile/fashion supply chain, so if you want:
• some specific training,
• the answer to a problem you’re encountering;
• to advertise or secure a position in this fascinating industry;
• to add to your qualifications so you have a professional edge over your competitors;
• to stay up to date with what’s happening in the industry or in research
• to recommend someone for an award because of the amazing work they do then, please contact The Textile Institute headquarters, we would be delighted to hear from you.
2023年11月3日,皇家纺织学会在联合王国伦敦上议院举办了2023年度国会午餐会,由皇家纺织学会荣誉会员 特许纺织师 皇家纺织学会院士 哈斯克尔勳爵 慷慨主礼。
哈斯克尔勳爵 对尊贵的来宾表示欢迎,并感谢皇家纺织学会团队成功组织此午餐会,还对纺织学会过去一年来的卓有成效工作表示祝贺。
午餐结束后,哈斯克尔勳爵 向来宾介绍了演讲嘉宾「迅循」创始人 卡拉·马格鲁德 。卡拉 发表了精彩的演讲,她讲述了如何努力创建一个具真正意义的项目,在召集了一些纺织业界的同仁,创立了这间非牟利组织 。
「迅循」聚焦于透过各持份者通力协作的解决方案来实现具商业运营规模效益的纺织成品到纺织物回收再生系统。她的使命是规范新的循环再生系统和商业运营模式,将使用过的材料转化为新的原材料,从而实现一个不再有材料废弃的世界。卡拉 欲传达的讯息是,整个业界至今几乎没有采取任何实质行动,今天业界需要做的不仅仅停留在空谈,是时候出台新政策,并开展合作,如果要在使业界产生积极的变化,就需要将新技术商业化,造就可持续发展的行业。卡拉 坚信,如果不为更永续的未来建立起崭新而有效的商业模式,一切都将是徒然。
当天最後一位演讲嘉宾是皇家纺织学会理事会主席,特许纺织师 皇家纺织学会高级院士,索尔福德大学教授 洁西·鲍维尔,她受到掌声欢迎并向尊贵的嘉宾致辞:今(2023)年7月,哈德斯菲尔德大学成功主办了第92届皇家纺织学会世界大会:纺织和时装供应的永续性链----迈向零碳和零废弃物过渡。来自约20个国家的200多名参与者与我们一起关注并分享最佳实践。大会主席 特许纺织师,皇家纺织学会高级院士 帕里克·戈斯瓦米教授,今天也有在场,想对阁下如此出色的2023年度世界大会东道主表示感谢。这是一个志同道合的人们之精彩聚会,我们很荣幸 皇家安妮公主殿下 (译者按:以联合王国时装和纺织协会会长名义)莅临第92届世界大会,殿下对我们行业所面临的挑战和机遇展现出了非凡的知识。减少纺织品浪费、提高可回收性和最大限度地延长产品使用寿命的关键需要我们行业内外的最优秀人才齐心协力,为这些棘手而复杂的问题构建出可靠的解决方案。
本人想对 哈斯克尔勳爵 再次主礼这次精彩的活动表示衷心的谢意 ,特别多谢泰勒弗朗西斯集团的慷慨赞助,再次感谢卡拉 鼓舞人心且发人深省的演讲,谢谢所有在幕後帮助组织这一天活动的皇家纺织学会工作人员,并特别感激大家一年来的持续支持,并与我们一起在这个特殊的地方庆祝和建立联系。一如既往,这次活动是与纺织业内的专业人士建立联系和会面的绝佳机会。
• 一些特定的专业培训,
• 就阁下所遇到问题的答案;
• 在这个令人着迷的行业中做宣传或获得一席之地;
• 提升阁下的资历,使您比竞争对手拥有专业优势;
• 了解产业或研究领域的最新动态
• 要推荐某人因当时所做的出色工作而获嘉许,请联系皇家特许纺织学会总部,我们将很高兴 收到阁下的来函。
© TI / Chinese Text: A&A Consultant
© 皇家特許紡織學會 / 漢字翻譯:香港A&A諮詢